
The Holistic Science of Mind for Practical Empowerment

How To End Self-Sabotage For Good

Do you ever catch yourself procrastinating or doing the exact opposite of what you KNOW you should be doing to create the life you desire?

Subconscious self-sabotage is the biggest obstacle to any endeavour. Understanding and harnessing the holistic connection between the physical self, conscious and subconscious is the key to avoiding self sabotaging habits forever.

Click the button below to get the “Holistic Alignment” metapsychology session and learn how to alter your reality.


"The unexamined life is not worth living." ~ Socrates

What is Metapsychology?

Metapsychology offers a groundbreaking approach to understanding the human mind, going beyond mere material psychology to explore the deeper, non-physical aspects of consciousness and reality. Metapsychologists facilitate your ability to delve into the intricate interplay of thoughts, beliefs, and existence, providing you with the tools to uncover subconscious patterns and achieve profound personal transformation. Imagine gaining unparalleled mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual alignment – all empowering you to take full control of your life.

Get Your First Session For Free

Our Holistic Alignment session is a 25 minute call where we help you to take stock of where you are to create a clear plan of how to progress towards making your desires a reality.

You’ll leave your free session with:

  1. A deeper understanding of the stories you tell yourself, and how to make them serve your success.
  2. Pinpointed limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your success.
  3. A customised next step action plan for unclogging these blockages.
  4. A sense of refreshment and feeling pumped for the next phase of your life.

We want to help as many people as possible to achieve their dreams, and that’s why we’re offering your first session free. Please understand that spaces are limited, so if you want to avoid missing out, make sure you enter your email below and reserve your spot.

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Lee - UK

Running a design agency means I always got up early and slept late. I always thought this was something to be proud of, but it was causing a rift in my marriage. After working with you, I told my clients I would be working fewer hours and increasing my rates. Now I earn more than I was when I worked 16 hour days and my wife and I are happier than ever.

Maya - Australia

I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager despite trying various diets and exercise programs. The free session helped me see why I would always put the weight back on. I've since lost 11 pounds in three weeks and it feels like I just have extra energy from nowhere.

Luca - UK

Couldn't recommend you more. 12 days after working with you my manager told us she is leaving. She recommended me for her job. The craziest thing is it was between me and another guy and the reason she picked me was because I had been giving off so much positive energy lately.

Daniel - UK

After looking into spirituality and self healing for months and a lot of failure I found you. I had been trying to break away from work and start my own business. You gave me a lot of perspective and my first clients have started rolling in. At this rate I will be able to go full time in a few months.

Glen - UK

Authentic, honest and wise. I have almost doubled my closing ratio in my sales job because I have more control over my own psychology.

Sophia - USA

I spend all of my time with my twin daughters. They will be starting pre school next year so I have been looking for business opportunities to support my family. I have done ebay on the side for years but you helped me see I could turn it into a full time business which I never knew. I am so excited to keep going.

Kamal - UK

I'm a health professional myself but I am still spiritual. I was skeptical but I thought a free session couldn't hurt. I'm so glad I did. Since the session, I am experiencing much less stress and burnout. I am also looking into specialisms to advance my career.

Sarah - USA

You are exceptionally open-minded and empathetic. From our very first interaction, I felt comfortable discussing my thoughts and feelings. This support helped me gain a clearer perspective on my life, allowing me to see things as they truly are. I will always cherish the impact this experience had on me.

Jess - UK

Practical insights that I could incorporate into my everyday life. The guiding presence has been a source of strength for me, and people are already treating me differently. Thank you for everything!

Transparency: Testimonials are real clients, but stock photos have been used for some clients at their request for confidentiality purposes.

How Our Methodology Generates Results

A Holistic Approach to Personal Transformation

In order to take control of your life, you must first have a deeper understanding of your your mind functions.

Your mind functions on 3 distinct modes, each of which governs a different aspect of your being:

The Material Self

Accessed in Reflexive Mode

  • Governs your physical body and basic needs
  • Operates on instinct and habit
  • Seeks safety, comfort, and survival
  • Resistant to change due to evolutionary programming

The Rational Self

Accessed in Reflective Mode

  • Your conscious, analytical mind
  • Sets goals and makes logical decisions
  • Plans for the future
  • Often at odds with your Material and Core selves

The Core Self

Accessed in Flow Mode

  • Your deepest, often subconscious, programming
  • Understands the world through emotions and narratives
  • Shapes your reality based on internalised beliefs
  • The bridge between conscious intention and unconscious action

Embracing a holistic approach

By embracing a holistic approach, you not only become more effective in manifesting your desires but also develop a deeper sense of fulfillment and balance in your life. Remember, you are more than a single-dimensional being, and acknowledging and nurturing each aspect of yourself is the key to mastering your destiny.

To learn how to integrate these practises into your journey, book a free “Holistic Alignment” session.

Get A Free Metapsychology Session

Your metapsychologist will help you to get a grasp on the hidden blocks and barriers that are sabotaging your ideal reality. You will leave the session with a clear action plan on how to begin untangling your harmful worldly conditioning to unlock the power of your subconscious mind.